An Educational Portal to Enhance National Ocean Literacy by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

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Instill Ocean Literacy principles through local perspective. Empowering youth to become environmental champions. Spread awareness through outreach programs. Bridging scientific knowledge from university to society. Connect with ocean-interest partners. 

Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet

Ocean Hope was designed with the vision to protect and conserve marine biodiversity by enhancing national ocean literacy.

“For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” – Baba Dioum


5 Pillars of Ocean Hope project:


We seek to enhance ocean literacy among Malaysian


We empower youth to become environmental champions


We spread awareness through community engagement and outreach programs


We include our ocean experts at UMT in an effort to bridge the scientific knowledge from university to society


We connect with ocean-interest partners to spread the outreach and to support marine conservation efforts

Our first recycled plastic card features one of the most endangered marine life in Malaysia, the Sea Turtles.

Globally, sea turtles are in the brink of extinction where out of seven existing species in the world, three of them are classified by IUCN Redlist as Critically Endangered while others as Endangered. Human activities like illegal poaching and over-exploiting of the turtle eggs is one of the major factors that brought to the decreasing numbers of these ancient mariners. They also face dangers from accidental capture – known as bycatch, entangled themselves in ghost nests and consumed plastics which they mistook as jellyfishes. Recent increase of temperature in the atmosphere – or climate change – impacts the turtle nesting sites as it alters the sand temperatures which in turn affects the gender of the hatchlings that will cause imbalance population stock in our ocean.

More at RHB Ocean Harmony. 

Reach us:
+609 668 4468

Empowering youth to become environmental champions

Logo marina

Ranging from national governments to knowledge institutions, and from non-profit organisations to companies.